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Seraphinite Gemstone For Sale at CabochonsForSale

Seraphinite gemstone is one 'out of the world' gemstone which embodies rarity and ethereal beauty that mesmerizes everyone who gets a hold of it. Known for its intricate patterns that resemble angelic feathers, this gemstone is also equipped with cultural significance and healing properties.

Seraphinite Meaning

The word Seraphinite for the gemstone comes from the word 'Seraphim', which translates to the highest order of angels in the Christian theology. Seraphim is often described as the celestial beings that have multiple wings and embody divine love. The name Seraphinite is apt for the gemstone as it resembles the angelic feathers and has silver shimmery hues. The name also adds a spiritual significance to the gemstone, connecting it to concepts of purity, enlightenment, and divine guidance.

Seraphinite Properties

Seraphinite’s physical properties contribute to its distinct appearance and appearance. The gemstone typically showcases a silvery green color with intricate featherlite patterns that are angelic in nature. The colors are tied up with a shimmering luster giving stone a luminous quality. The gemstone is translucent to opaque in nature with Mohs hardness of 2.5 to 3, making it relatively soft as compared to other gemstones.

Seraphinite Metaphysical Properties

Seraphinite is known for its connection with angelic and higher consciousness. The gemstone is believed to promote spiritual entitlement, purification of heart chakra, as well as render deep healing to the wearer. The stone encourages self awareness, supports personal transformation, and enhances intuition rendering alignment with one's true purpose.

Seraphinite Jewelry

Seraphinite jewelry is the showcase of its ethereal beauty with lush green colors and angelic patterns. Necklaces, rings, earrings, pendants, and bracelets adorned with this gemstone add a touch of celestial charm to any outfit.

Seraphinite vs. Charoite

Seraphinite and Charoite are both mesmerizing gemstones with their own distinct characteristics and beauty. Seraphinite, as we discussed, is associated with its angelic rims, feather-like patterns, lush green color and heart centered healing. On the other hand, Charoite features swirling purple colors and intricate patterns with properties of transformation and inner vision associated with it.